gül ılgaz-flight-castle tunnel
gül ılgaz-flight-castle tunnel
castle tunnel
castle tunnel
BM-opening speech
BM-opening speech
plan of the castle
plan of the castle
exhibition space in the castle
exhibition space in the castle
gül ılgaz at castle entrance
gül ılgaz at castle entrance
ljubliana from the castle
ljubliana from the castle
ljubliana castle
ljubliana castle
continental breakfast conference (2)
continental breakfast conference (2)
continental breakfast conference
continental breakfast conference
Kiril Prashkov
Kiril Prashkov
Kiril Prashkov1
Kiril Prashkov1
Kiril Prashkov2
Kiril Prashkov2
Kiril Prashkov3
Kiril Prashkov3
Kiril Prashkov4
Kiril Prashkov4
yara boubnova
yara boubnova
yara boubnova2
yara boubnova2



Ljubljanski grad / Ljubljana Castle

Muzeum, Ljubljana in cooperation with the partners of the Continental Breakfast network

3-24. september 2005 

The project consist of  three parts:

1. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 3-5. september 2005


3. EXHIBITION 5-24 september 2005


30 curators, directors of the galleries of central and eastern Europe will  introduce the project in the frame of the common theme “Continental breakfast” in a form of discussions, projections and “work on progress”.


At this occasion in the space of the conference 5 hosting performances will take place.



5-24 september 2005

Memory (w)hole

There are holes in our memory. There are voids in the city structure. There is a horror vacui in the painting. There is an emptied stage as the manifestation of the contemporary theatre (theatron – to see), but there is no hole like the memory vortex of our symbolic beginnings, a vortex that annuls the ordinary logic of sense and nonsense and is the origin of being versus absolute non-existence. It is this that evokes memory.

The concept of the exhibition is a liminal space established by the unconscious. The unconscious cannot think the difference between a live sculpture and a stone sculpture. The unconscious forces us into an union through which the entire world slips, mercilessly joining ALL into a whole, while at the same time leaving us on the outside, as if we were undifferentiated, traceless, ostracised from our own world.  A (W)HOLE.

The discourse of the Other, who is because we are, is a construct which sustains the illusion that we might exist after all, since this allows us to inscribe ourselves into the other time and time again, to inscribe ourselves into the other who keeps renouncing something for us.

*The international project of contemporary art “Continetnal Breakfast” is a result of the First CEI Venice Forum on “Promotion of Art and Culture in Central Estern Europe” organised in June 2003 by Trieste Contemporanea Committee.


Castle of Ljubljana, Slovenia

From Friday the 2nd to Sunday the 25th of September 2005


ARTISTS INVITED: Igor Eškinja, Katrin Essenson, Gül Ilgaz, Elzbieta Jablonska, Alevtina Kakhidze, Aleksandar Kujučev, Emanuela Marassi, Malgorzata Markiewicz, Ebba Matz, Lorenzo Missoni, Michal Murin, Lela B. Njatin, Kiril Prashkov, Fabio Andrea Sajiz, Igor Scerbina, Rudolf Sikora, Balint Szombathy, Slaven Tolj, Florin Tudor &  Mona Vatamanu, Vana Urošević , Gabriela Vanga, Måns Wrange

CURATORS: Emil Aleksiev, Ami Barak, Zuzana Bartošová, Aleksandra Estela Bjelica Mladenović, Iara Bubnova, Giuliana Carbi, Sarah Cosulich Canarutto, Lilia Dragneva, Andrzej Ekwiński, Anders Härm, Beral Madra, Michnea Mircan, Barbara Novakovič Kolenc, Jerzy Onuch, Maria Ana Potocka, Mira Putišová, Anda Rottenberg, Katalin Timár, Janka Vukmir

Produced by Muzeum, Institute for Art Production, Distribution and Publishing, in coproduction with the Ljubljana Festival and in collaboration with Kiberpipa K 6/4, Galerija Kapelica, Atelje 2050, Memory (W)Hole avails itself of the fundamental support of the Slovene Ministry of Culture, of the Municipality of Ljubljana, of the Ljubljana Italian Institute of Culture, as well as various private sponsors.

Within the event, a rich and variegated panorama of proposals conceived by 19 important curators from a broad European area that ranges from Ukraine (Jerzy Onuch) to Turkey (Beral Madra), from Poland (Anda Rottenberg) to Bulgaria (Iara Bubnova), will transform the Castle of Ljubljana, in occasion of the centennial celebration, into a true “ living sculpture ”.

Two are the fundamental nuclei of the event in Ljubljana: the original combination, during the 3rd and 4th of September, of the CONFERENCE of the Central-Eastern European contemporary art curators with the PERFORMANCE SECTION whose title is “The Conference of performances”, assigned to Lela B. Njatin (Slovenia), Michal Murin (Slovakia), Balint Szombathy (Hungary), Elzbieta Jablonska (Poland), Slaven Tolj (Croatia), Katrin Essenson (Estonia), Emanuela Marassi and Lorenzo Missoni (Italy). The second nucleus of the event, from the 5th to the 25th of September, is the exhibition MEMORY (W)HOLE, which collects the works of 23 international artists requested to create their projects on the theme of memory as a whole (Whole) and as a liminal space governed by the unconscious (Hole).

As part of the international event, a catalogue curated by Barbara Novakovič Kolenc will be published, it will include the entire documentation of the exhibition projects presented during the event.

Also, in Ljubljana will be available the proceedings of the “Second CEI Forum for Contemporary Art Curators”, published by Trieste Contemporanea.

The Continental Breakfast project will continue its journey with the events in Tallinn (Continental Breakfast Tallinn – The exhibition of Living Sculptures, November 2005, CB partner the Tallinn Kunsthalle, www.kunstihoone.ee), Maribor (Continental Breakfast Maribor – Places of transition, December 2005, CB partner the Umetnostna Galerija Maribor, www.umetnostnagalerija.si) and Trieste (Continental Breakfast Friuli Venezia Giulia –  Etty Abergel, Miroslaw Balka, Alfredo Pirri, December 2005, CB project leader Trieste Contemporanea, www.tscont.ts.it).



Slovenia’da Lubliana Kalesi’nde

KONTİNENTAL KAHVALTI (Continental Breakfast) GRUBU’nun “BELLEK-DOLU/BOŞ” Sergisi’ne Türkiye’den GÜL ILGAZ davet edildi.

2-25 Eylül 2005 

Doğu Avrupa ve Balkan ülkelerinden Igor Eškinja, Katrin Essenson, Gül Ilgaz, Elzbieta Jablonska, Alevtina Kakhidze, Aleksandar Kujučev, Emanuela Marassi, Malgorzata Markiewicz, Ebba Matz, Lorenzo Missoni, Michal Murin, Lela B. Njatin, Kiril Prashkov, Fabio Andrea Sajiz, Igor Scerbina, Rudolf Sikora, Balint Szombathy, Slaven Tolj, Florin Tudor &  Mona Vatamanu, Vana Urošević , Gabriela Vanga, Måns Wrange’nin katılacağı serginin küratörleri Emil Aleksiev, Ami Barak, Zuzana Bartošová, Aleksandra Estela Bjelica Mladenović, Iara Bubnova, Giuliana Carbi, Sarah Cosulich Canarutto, Lilia Dragneva, Andrzej Ekwiński, Anders Härm, Beral Madra, Michnea Mircan, Barbara Novakovič Kolenc, Jerzy Onuch, Maria Ana Potocka, Mira Putišová, Anda Rottenberg, Katalin Timár, Janka Vukmir 2003 yılında kurulmuş olan KONTİNENTAL KAHVALTI grubunu oluşturuyor.

Grup, söz konusu ülkelerin başkentlerinde ve önemli kentlerinde periyodik sergiler düzenliyor.

Slovenya Kültür Bakanlığı ve Lubliyana belediyesi’nin desteğiyle bu kez Lubliana Kalesi’ndeki müzede düzenlenen serginin konusu  MEMORY (W)HOLE başlığı altında  bellek üstüne yoğunlaşıyor. Küratörlerin seçtiği 19 sanatçı Lubliana Kalesi’nde belleğin bütünlüğü ve yokluğu üstüne özgün yapıtlar gerçekleştirdi.

Gül Ilgaz bu sergide bir dijital fotograf ve bir video sunacak. Sergi, 5 Eylül’de küratörlerin katılacağı bir konferansla bütünleşecek.


In her works structured of performance, video or photography she embraces all these artistic languages and techniques to create metaphors for daily life, autobiography and memory. Through her performance and photographic work she is composing and understanding both representation of life and selfhood. For her the photography is the site of a continuous process of reinterpretation produced out of performance and experience.

There is an instability in her photographs which makes the image a process bound development. There is no fixed moment of projection or apprehension, but always a fluctuating identification.

The photograph entitled “Falling” reveals a view ofIstanbul, shot from an odd angle and mid-air, giving the picture the feeling of the orientalist prints. The sky is cloudy and depressive, extending to the horizon as a colourless hole. The legs of the human being (the artist herself) implicate that she is ascending or descending rather than flying. Ilgaz’s body language of her performances always indicate a certain sacredness  and art historical reference in composition, giving a feeling of wholeness which is very evident here, in the holy posture of rising to the sky or falling down to the earth.  Yet, the picture also reflects a strong insecurity, transforming the scene into a catastrophe or an uncanny future.

In her video work “The Swing” she performs a swinging act, moving to and fro on a self-made simple swing. The steady pulsing rhythm embellished with the cling clang of the metal objects hanging around implicates an atmosphere of childish persistence and amusement. Yet, the isolation and solitude in the woods is weird and constantly moving from one unidentified to the other is a journey between two poles.

In both works the existence and the identity is not fixed; the power differences may change in different situations, destiny and power and life are not determined by a few supposedly descriptive facts. Everything can be a whole (entirety) and a hole (a break) at the same time. The facts may be relevant but they don’t determine anything; it’s more to do with how individuals choose to behave and to utilise possibilities available to them.

Beral Madra / April 2005