
Sinopale 3: “Hidden Memories, Lost Traces” 

14 August 2010- 4 September 2010

Curatorial Advisory Board: T. Melih Görgün, (curator); Beral Madra, (curator); Dr. Vittorio Urbani(curator)

Guest Curators: Dr. Nike Baetzner; Dr. Vaari Claffey; Rana Öztürk; Branko Franceshi; Dr. Hande Sağlam


In order to hear the hidden stories of a city, one has to experience the city. The invisible aspects of a city are revealed by the stories of the city. The sensation created by the stories related to a city is the same with the sensation of that city. If one has internalized the sensation of a city, s/he projects something relating to his/her home city to every city that s/he sees or relates, just as in the novel “Invisible Cities” by Italo Calvino. Globalisation, while seeming promising for such an expansion of meaning, ended up with the uniformisation of the city life, projects that tend to efface past stories and the spirit of a city. It enhances the dynamism of the unlimited production and unlimited consumption that have effaced all signs of the lived experience, thus the uniqueness of a city has been forgotten.

Departing from the memory of the city, this conceptual framework, which has been envisioned for re-tackling the intelligence related to this living space together with its different dimensions, and evaluating the “information” obtained in an artistic form, intends to draw attention to that which is “spoken” and “unspoken” in this geography set to be “a transit area”.

If an artistic production which can explore and defend the lived aspects of the city which are yet invisible and reveal them, cultural utopias dating to the beginning of the globalisation could be enjoyed. The project aims to gather a “transportable memory” of the city in order to reveal hidden memories and lost traces thus stimulating memories of the artists as well.  The actualization of this crucial period by means of arts will bring back memories and link with the present maybe unexpected singular events, thus allowing new readings of the process of change in European cities and actual events that take place in those cities.

Sinop has the characteristic of an isolated port city which has existed throughout ages.  It has a loaded history and a loaded memory. The existence of a penitentiary where some of the prominent intellectuals of that period had to do time and its impacts is part of the collective memory of the city. Sinop has various disconnected structures in its fabric; historical buildings dating to various eras, workers who made a living in the American base and formed satellite cities… Sinop is isolated as an eastern bloc area yet positions itself within western alliance, it has once been a centre for intense weapon trade.  Due to its geopolitical position the inhabitants of Sinop were/are engaged in contradictory political engagements. Black Sea region is a transit area between the geographical Europe and the political Europe where historical conflicts still take place. Actual energy policies and ecological problems which can be assessed in their historical context set this city in the agenda of current politics.

Sinopale 3 will deal with the artistic, creative works related to the expression of the “hidden memory” together with contrasts such as the “choice of the inhabitants” and the “choice of the governors” in integrity on “city, district, individual” basis. Through workshops, exhibitions, performances where “proposals for the future” will be discussed, Sinopale 3 attempts to make artists, designers, architects, cultural managers, tradesmen, local governors, educators, inhabitants and viewers cooperate at intellectual and operational level and work in a “participative-interactive” way.Works that will be produced within the scope of Sinopale 3 will be displayed at various indoors and outdoors spaces at the city centre and some districts.


The artists who will have “trace information” according to the concept text will meet their partners at their work site (districts and buildings). Partners will be citizens of different age groups and walks of life who will participate in the production process together with the artists within the scope of the conceptual framework. The artists and their partners will track down the memory and unearth the information that will feed the production together. This practice which will last 6 days in Sinop will culminate by the production of “artworks”. The artists may start the process beforehand by contacting their group if they deem that it is necessary.


Following the workshops, the “artworks” will be exhibited in spaces designated as presentation areas during Sinopale whose opening will take place on August 14th, 2010. The artworks which will include presentations of various art forms (public space artworks, performances, installations, sound works, stage works) will be on view between August 14th – September 4th 2010.


The works which will be produced during Sinopale will be multidisciplinary (visual arts, videos, installations, documentaries, performances, mixed media, audiovisual art, etc).

A book documenting all phases of the project, and also presenting the underlying ideas of the works of the artists and their conceptual statements, will be published in Turkish and English. This book will be sent to relevant addresses so that they will be available in the libraries of the prominent art centres in Turkey, Europe and the world, where previous editions of Sinopale were also sent.

Sinopale publications are currently available in different museums, and archives of artists, cultural actors, art centres and NGOs active in the arts and culture field in different countries such as France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Slovakia, Serbia, Netherlands, Belgium, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Poland, USA, Kosova, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Norway, Sweden, Denmark.


City Center: Historical Sinop Prison; Old Hotel 117; Balatlar Church; Pervane Madrasah Handcrafts Bazaar; Quarters in the city center (İncedayı Quarter, Aslan Quarter, Zeytinlik Quarter); Historical Kadı Caravanserai (Eski Kadı Hanı – Asmaaltı Kahvesi); Sinop Archaeological Museum; Pasha Bastions (Paşa Tabyaları); District: Gerze City Theatre; Erfelek Municipality Venues


 Ronan McCrea (Ireland); Anne Metzen (Germany); Georg Klein (Germany); Daniele Pezzi (Italy); Karena Johnson (UK); Jelena Vasiljev (Sırbia); Mali Weil Performance Project (Italy); Sıtkı Kösemen (TR); İlyas Odman (TR); Influx (Italy); Masa Project artist: Seyyit Saatci (TR); Joel Andrianomearisao (France); Maria Papadimitriu (Greece); Els van der Meersch (Belgium); Avantgarde Museum – Croatia; Masa Project -Seyyit Saatçi (TR); Ludwig Kittinger (Austria); Hulya Karakaş (TR); Maria Ikonomopoluo (Holland)

Sound Museum: “From 1970 to Future”  Curator: Hande Sağlam (Austria);      Memoriam to Engin Aksan ( Tonmaister).  This is a collection of Muride Aksan on his work of Engin Aksan.

Video Art screening of Ireland’s Contemporary Art Selection :  Curators: Rana Ozturk , Vaari Clayfee


Sinopale Kids

“Educating the Arts Educators”:

Sonja Tanrısever – Sweden (Educating the Arts Educators With Swedish Creativity Techniques)

In collaboration with the Consulate General of Sweden

The target is the participation of 90 children from Sinop to the workshop.

P.S.: 110 children participated to the workshop during Sinopale 2.

  “Local Development – Alternative Presentation Methods”

Hülya Karakaş (Turkey, Director and Performer); Karena Jonhson (UK, Director)

Hande Sağlam (Austria, Musicologist); – Alternative Presentation Methods; – Presentations Based on Body; – The Ways of Using Traditional Musical Forms in Contemporary Art; Gerze Municipality Theatre; Sinop Art Theatre


Artcitizens’ Shop: “A 21 days design shop”

The Artcitizens’ shop, opened first within the scope of the parallel events of the 11th International Istanbul Biennial with the purpose of bringing together young Turkish designers with the international design environment will be opened again with the contribution of new names within the scope of Sinopale. This program intended for making “design” perceived by craftsmen who produce in Sinop, tackling forms considered as handcrafts within a design perception, and their production by using local motives, fabrics belonging to Sinop in a workshop with young designers will be realized with the participation of tradesmen, tailors, lace makers, fabric weavers located at Pervane Handcrafts Bazaar. The target is to create special productions for Sinop.

Umut Südüak, Çağın Kaya, Yeşim Endes, Esra Kuli, Nazar Sigaher, Studio Punto – Ahmet Oklugil

Artcitizens’ Shop will be open in future ECOC and some European cities at different times.

 “City and the Site: Creative Industries, Local Development Model, City View”

Karin Aue (Artesia, London Central Saint Martin School of Design and Art); Bahar Aksel (MSGSÜ, Faculty of Architecture, Department of City and Regional Planning, City and Art); Beral Madra (BM Contemporary Art Center); Mahir Namur (Avrupa Kültür Derneği); Bige Örer (Istanbul International Biennial)Vittorio Urbani (Nuova Icona, Venice); Branko Franceschi(Avant-Garde Museum, Croatia)

Related NGOs, expert organisations, tradesmen in the city will participate in this workshop during which the city will be prepared and planned at international level, in relation with the future perspective, and the “city-brand” identity will be tackled through cultural-artistic cooperations.


The “Sinopsis” project which will be realised collectively by designers and local authorities will publish an arts and culture newspaper as a new model for sharing information relating to the city.

Editor: M. Mahir Namur

Selected Articles About Sinopale

Aris Nalcı, “Mekanlarda bir ‘şey’ olmak”, Beyoğlu Gazetesi, S. 162, 25-31 Ağustos 2006, s.7
Aris Nalcı, “Sinop’ta bir ‘şey’ oldu, Birgün, 25 Ağustos 2006, s.14
Aris Nalcı, “Sürgün Kentte Bir ‘Şey’ Olmak”, Gaste, S. 97, Eylül-Ekim 2006, s.7
Ayşegül Sönmez, “Sinop’ta bir ‘şey’”, Milliyet Sanat, S. 569, Ağustos 2006, s.52-53
Ayşegül Sönmez, “Sinop’ta bir ‘şeyler’ oluyor”, Sabah Cuma, 11 Ağustos 2006, s.8
Beral Madra, “Anadolu’da Sanat Tek Tük”, Radikal, 5 Haziran 2008
Beral Madra, “Sinop küresel sanat haritasına girdi”, Radikal, 29 Ağustos 2006, s.21
Beral Madra, “Sinopale ile tüm kent sergi alanı”, Yeni Mimar, S. 64, Ağustos 200
Burçak Konukman, “Sanattan anlamak ya da anlamamak…”,, 18 Ekim 2008
Deniz İnceoğlu, “Sinop bienaliyle adını duyuruyor.”, Hürriyet, 1 Ağustos 2008
Elif Dastarlı, “Hiçbir Şeyden Her Şeye; Diyojen’den Faucault’ya Sanat”, RH+Sanart, S. 31, Temmuz-Ağustos 2006, s. 86-87
Erdem Dilbaz, “Şehirde bir şey’ler oluyor”, Whop 16, Ekim 2006, s. 36-40
Hülya Ertaş, “Şimdilik Nükleersiz”, XXI Mimarlık Tasarım Mekan, S. 49, Ekim 2006, s.20-24
Lerzan Özer, “1. Uluslararası Sinop Bienali küratörü T. Melih Görgün’le söyleşi”, Sanat Yıllığı, S. 7, Şubat, 2007, s. 212-217
Mahmut Hamsici, “Sinop’ta bienal diye bir ‘şey’”, Radikal, 16 Ağustos 2006, s.19
Mehmet Kuvvet, “Sinopale 2”, Taka Gazete, 15 Ağustos 2008
Şule Ateş, 28 ‘Asri Zamanlar’ ve Anadolu’da Çağdaş Sanat,, 18 Mart 2009
Vercihan Ziflioğlu, “Black Sea Meets Contemporary Art”, Turkish Daily News, 15 Ağustos 2008
Vercihan Ziflioğlu, “Sinop’ta küratörsüz bienalin konusu ‘şey’”, Referans- Türkiye’nin İş Gazetesi, 16 Ağustos 2008
Zehra Tonbul, “Şehrin Sanatını Oluşturmak: Sinopale”, Yeni Mimar, S. 42, Ekim 2006, s.19-20
Cezaevinden Kültür Merkezi’ne Geçiş Denemeleri; Atölye” Mimarın Dünyası, S. 6, Ağustos-Eylül 2006, s.74
“Her devrim ‘içeriden’ başlar, Birgün, 14 Ağustos 2006, s.14
“Sinopale”, Bizim Karadeniz, 2 Eylül 2006, s.7
“Sinopale Türkiye’nin ikinci bienali”, Maison Française, S. 135, Ağustos 2006, s. 25
“Sinop’ta Güncel Sanat Platformu”, Mimarın Dünyası, S. 6, Ağustos-Eylül 2006, s.72-73
“Sinop’ta ‘şey’ bienali: Sinopale”, Gündem, 17 Ağustos 2006, s.12
Sinop Cezaevi’nde Sanat Günleri, Türkiye Gazetesi, 18 Ağustos 2008
“Black Sea province Sinop to host second edition of biennial”, Today’s Zaman, 12 Temmuz 2008
Sinopale 2, Nafas-Art Magazin, Mayıs 2008
Curatorial Enquiry,
Biennalen Datenbank,
“Sinopale, 2. Uluslararası Sinop Bienali”,, 15 Ağustos 2008
“Calendar of international Biennials”,
“Sinopale, hedendaagse kunst in historische gevangenis”,, 8 Temmuz 2008
Virtual Chef-Black Sea,, 31 August 2008
Plant Exchange,, 8 September 2008
Metahaven Sinopale 2008, Cuneiform posters,
Marielle Videler,
Johannes Vogl,,
Carlos Pina,
Pınar Demirdağ,
Eric van Hove,
Marc Rees,